Ragged Crow Morris Dancers 

Upcoming 2024 performances;

March 24 - Nelson Multicultural Day Founders Park

April 5-7 - Hanmer Springs Weekend

April 14 - various spots on Trafalgar Street Nelson  11am -12pm

April 23 - St George's Day - various Nelson pubs - Starting at the Prince Albert about 7pm, onto 2Thumbs and ending up at the Freehouse

May 1 - May Day, CANCELLED  dancing the sun down at 5.30pm on Wakefield Quay -

May 4- Give it a Go Morris workshop 10amn- 12pm Tides Hotel 66 Trafalgar Street 

Ragged Crow Morris Dancers carry on the traditional* English custom of Morris Dancing, we are an energetic group that practice every week  and dance out many weekends during the summer.   We dance in public spaces and parks and get booked to dance at school and community fairs and other events around the region.   

Contact us for booking us for your event.

We pride ourselves on giving a good performance but there is also the important social side of the group, after most practices and performances we finish up at a local bar or café to relax and enjoy each others company.  

Currently we have 10 dancers and 3 musicians who play English concertina, bodhran and recorder.

We're always looking for new people (dancers and musicians) to join our merry group, we usually run a 'give it a go' night in early winter where we give people an opportunity to have a go then come along and watch us at practice and maybe join in with some of the simpler dances. So if you have a good sense of rhythm, a sense of humour, are willing to come to practice every week with the expectation that you will be performing in public contact us or pop along to our practice sessions at Trafalgar Street Hall

(opp Trailways) on a Thursday night at 7.30pm. 

Along with joining Ragged Crow you will also become part of the NZ Morris family, the sides from around NZ meet occasionally throughout the year for a few days of dancing and socialising. Check out this link to hear what goes on, it's great fun.

*the earliest written record of morris dancing in England was in the 15c in Henry VII's reign

Morris Dancing resources  

For more information about morris in NZ have a look at  https://sites.google.com/site/nzmorrisdancing/

For more information about morris dancing in general https://themorrisring.org/